Nightmare Time and a Case Study for Digital Theatre During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Keywords: musical theatre, digital theatre, YouTube, COVID-19, content creation



This short article assesses a case study in creating digital theatre during the COVID-19 pandemic. Examining the impact of both COVID restrictions and union regulations on small, independent theatre productions, the article focuses on one theatre company, Starkid Productions, and how they utilised their prior worldwide digital audience via their YouTube channel to both create theatre content and generate a profit during an entire-industry shut-down. It draws conclusions on how theatre companies in the future can use new technologies, and techniques developed throughout the pandemic as tools to enhance their creative practice, and improve accessibility to the theatre.

February 9, 2022
How to Cite
Charlesworth, H. L. (2022). Nightmare Time and a Case Study for Digital Theatre During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network, 15(1). Retrieved from