Interview with Dr Crystal Abidin

  • Kate Stuart Bangor University
  • Eoin Murray Bangor University
Keywords: Interview, Digital Cultures, Internet Studies, Digital Anthropology, Academic Life


Dr Crystal Abidin is a digital anthropologist and ethnographer who examines internet culture, based at Curtin University in Western Australia as a Senior Research Fellow and ARC DECRA fellow in Internet Studies. Her current research focuses on influencer cultures, online visibility, and social media pop cultures, especially in East Asia and the Asia Pacific, reflecting also on life as an anthropologist whose work traverses both online and physical spaces and relationships. In her visit to Bangor as a keynote speaker for the Evolution of Media MeCCSA PGN conference, Dr Crystal discussed one of her more recent projects about vulnerable communities on Tumblr, exploring the evolution of culture, practice, and her research within this space.

October 25, 2020
How to Cite
Stuart, K., & Murray, E. (2020). Interview with Dr Crystal Abidin. Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network, 13(1), 28–36.