Book Review: Portals: A Treatise on Internet-Distributed Television

Lotz, Amanda (2017) Portals: A Treatise on Internet-Distributed Television, Ann Arbor: Maize Books (Michigan Publishing), p. 108.

  • Anne Sweet
Keywords: television, business, cultural industries, media studies, internet-based media


This book review analyses Amanda Lotz's work on the evolution of the television industry and the rise of streaming platforms, or 'portals', like Netflix.

September 13, 2019
How to Cite
Sweet, A. (2019). Book Review: Portals: A Treatise on Internet-Distributed Television: Lotz, Amanda (2017) Portals: A Treatise on Internet-Distributed Television, Ann Arbor: Maize Books (Michigan Publishing), p. 108. Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network, 12(2), 77–79.