Re-Configuring the New Women - Female Screenwriters and Street Films in Weimar Republic  

  • Juliane Scholz University of Leipzig
Keywords: Ruth Goetz, Film, New Woman, Weimar, Screenwriting


 This article traces the history of early female screenwriters in Germany and highlights the influence of professional female screenwriter Ruth Goetz and her movie Die Dirnentragödie (also: Women without Men, 1927). It shows how the movie represented certain political, cultural and legal debates on the New Woman and reconfigured the myth by implementing ambivalent gender roles in the plot. Furthermore, the representation of the role of female sex workers in Weimar society in Weimar street films is described and the way of transforming cultural and political discourses about gender equality into silent movies is discussed. Ruth Goetz and her professional screenwriting work is revisited through the lens of New Film History and the importance of the early professional female screenwriters’ contribution in Weimar cinema is underlined.

Author Biography

Juliane Scholz, University of Leipzig

Dr Juliane Scholz is a postdoctoral cultural and media historian. She was senior researcher and lecturer at the cultural studies institute of the University Leipzig. In 2014 she gained her PhD with a dissertation on the professional history of screenwriters in the USA and in Germany. From 2010 until 2013 she held a dissertation scholarship from the

June 14, 2017
How to Cite
Scholz, J. (2017). Re-Configuring the New Women - Female Screenwriters and Street Films in Weimar Republic  . Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network, 10(2), 32–44.