A Brief History of Timing: Musical Logic and the Theatre of Robert Wilson

  • Markee Rambo-Hood University of Glasgow


This article explores theories in Music Studies in order to offer a close analysis of one of the leading New Formalist theatre directors, Robert Wilson. It charts Wilson’s rehearsal process from the early stages of his table workshops to the actual live performances. It pulls from archival footage, documents and correspondences in order to offer historical instances of collaboration in order to explore ideas of fixed and composed time in the fictive cosmos of Wilson’s stage space. The aim of this analysis is to shift the focus away from the narration and a transaction of meaning with in Wilson’s work and to find dramaturgical links in the composition and structure of his theatre instead.

Author Biography

Markee Rambo-Hood, University of Glasgow
University of Glasgow, 2nd Year PhD Student, Theatre and Music Studies.
February 24, 2012
How to Cite
Rambo-Hood, M. (2012). A Brief History of Timing: Musical Logic and the Theatre of Robert Wilson. Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.31165/nk.2012.51.255
MeCCSA-PGN Conference Papers