The Harkive Project: Rethinking Music Consumption

  • Craig Hamilton


This report is an overview of my progress through a 3-year, AHRC-funded doctoral research project looking at the changing nature of Popular Music consumption, with a particular focus on digital technologies. I am undertaking this project within the School of Media at Birmingham City University in the United Kingdom. After providing an overview of the project and work completed so far, I will then highlight some of the key challenges I am facing now that I have reached the halfway point in my studies, before outlining some of the ways I am seeking to address these. I will end this report with a short reflection on the process of working towards a PhD.

Author Biography

Craig Hamilton
July 5, 2016
How to Cite
Hamilton, C. (2016). The Harkive Project: Rethinking Music Consumption. Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network, 9(5).